Our prenatal program provides information about becoming a mom and what your body is going through during pregnancy. Our classes are held in a comfortable setting so you can ask questions about things you may not understand or are not comfortable with during your pregnancy. You will learn about a woman’s reproductive system and our childbirth education classes engage you in hands-on exercises for a healthy, comfortable, and enjoyable pregnancy. We encourage couples to seek prenatal care to get the medical care needed for mommy and baby for a healthy and safe delivery. Contact our organization for more information on how to enroll in our class.
Be proactive and seek preventive measures that will answer questions you may have about pregnancy, symptoms, labor, and more.
Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial provide:
- Childbirth Education Classes
- Doula Services
- Infant and Maternal Awareness (illness/diseases)
- Abundance Journey Pregnancy Support Group and more…